Pair of Georgian Lignum Vitae Loving Cups mounted with silver rims
Late 17th Century Norwegian Peg Tankard in Karelian Birch
Scandinavian Birch Bottle Cradle and Pourer
Carved, Stained Sycamore Rolling Pin
Early 19th Century Fruitwood Tea Caddy in the form of a Pear
George III Lignum Vitae Coffee Grinder
18th Century Turned Lignum Vitae Pounce Pot
Turned Lignum Vitae Mortar and Pestle
Early 18th Century Danish Carved Birchwood Mangle Board
'Mr. Joy's Surprise' - Queen Anne Child’s Wardrobe in the form of a House
Anglo-Indian ‘Bugbear’ Coconut Powder Flask and Ladle
Pair of William & Mary Joined Oak Back Stools
Charles II Joined Oak Yorkshire Armchair
Charles II Bobbin-turned Joined Oak Table
William and Mary Oak Side Table
Late 17th Century Lignum Vitae turned Mortar and Pestle Sold
17th Century Oak Tripod Table
Charles II Oak Double Gateleg Table
Charles II Oak Child’s Chair
Fruitwood Spice Bowl
Burr Alder Tripod Table or 'Alrotsbord' by Israel Back
18th Century Turned Lignum Vitae Condiment Sold
Mid 17th Century Oak Coffer
George III Mahogany Coaster Sold
Pair of Gothic Revival Oak Children's Pews
18th Century Norwegian Birchwood Peg Tankard Sold
Charles II Joined Oak Panel Back Open Armchair Sold
William and Mary Solid Yew Wood Side Table
17th Century Oak Refectory Table
Pair of Late 17th Century Lignum Vitae Candlesticks Sold
James I Oak and Ash Turner’s/Thrown Armchair Sold
George II Burr Elm Side Table Sold